Publication Ethics

Duplication of Materials

The Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences (IJSS) is committed to publishing only materials that are original. Such materials should neither have been published elsewhere, nor being reviewed for publication in another outlet. The journal engages in preliminary cross checking of submissions to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Sanctions will be applied on manuscripts that are found to be published in another outlet(s), or to be under review elsewhere. In a situation where an author had used own previously published work, or work that is currently under review, as the basis for a submitted manuscript, the author is required to cite the previous work as well as indicate how the present manuscript contributes to knowledge different from the previous manuscript from which citation was made.

Author Declaration

Authors are required to complete a Declaration Form indicating the originality of their manuscripts. Such statement will be an affirmation that the manuscript had not been multiplied, redundant or concurrently published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written permission of the copyright-holder. Additionally, the declaration will not only indicate approval of all other authors but also by the relevant authorities or communities where the work was undertaken.

 Fabrication and Falsification Data

The IJSS takes fabrication and/or falsification of data very seriously. Manuscripts whose data are found to have been fabricated or falsified in any form would be sanctioned, and the author(s) blacklisted by the journal.

Manipulation of Citations

In cases where manuscripts are found to include citations just for the purposes of increasing the number of citations ascribed to an author’s work, or to articles published in a particular journal, the IJSS will sanction such an act accordingly.

Author Contribution and Correspondence

Each of the authors listed in a paper must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript. It is important to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution, including students and research assistants. For the purposes of accountability authors are encouraged to submit an author statement form stating their individual contributions to the manuscript from conceptualization to manuscript preparation, review and editing.

The Editorial Team of IJSS allows for only one corresponding author.

Changes in authorship

The IJSS advises authors to carefully consider the list and order in which the authors should appear in the manuscript for possible publication in the journal. However, if it becomes necessary for addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list, that should be effected before the manuscript has been accepted subject to the approval by the Editor-in-Chief. For such request to be approved, the Corresponding author must clearly state the reason(s) for such changes and must submit letter from other author(s) to indicate their agreement with the proposed change(s). This should include confirmation from the author(s) being added or deleted from the list. It should be noted that the Editor-in-Chief will consider addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors after the manuscript has been accepted only on special circumstances. To forestall error, the Editor-in-Chief while acceding to the request for such change(s) will suspend the publication of the manuscript until such a time when all issues must have been cleared satisfactorily.

 Use of appropriate language

Authors should at all time bear in mind that the IJSS seeks to promote the use of inclusive language that conveys the essence of diversity, respect to all people, sensitivity to differences and equal opportunities. Contents of manuscripts should not embed in any form of discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, religion, culture and disability or health condition. The use of inclusive and friendly language should be emphasized always.

Redundant Publications

As much as possible the IJSS discourages authors from involvement in publication redundancy, which entails deceptive disaggregation of outcomes of a study into several manuscripts. Such articles are described as redundant and will not be processed for publications.