Editor in Chief

The Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences is published bi-annually by the Faculty of Social Science, University of Ibadan in June and November of each year in a bid to inform and enlighten the academic community and also humanity at large on currents in society and humanity. The main focus is to publish reliable and topical information emanating from original research, reviews and new perspectives in the social sciences and related fields. All articles are doubly blind reviewed by experts in the field, both as part of quality assurance and in line with global best practice. Researchers are encouraged to prepare their manuscripts in simple, lucid and reader-friendly manner.

For more information on publication guidelines and requirements, please visit our manuscript submission portal.


Editor in Chief:

Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences (IJSS)

Email: editor@ijss-ui.com.ng

Website: https://ijss-ui.com.ng

Tel: +234(0)8032195560



Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ifeanyi-Onyeonoru

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1351-5797