Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences
Volume 20, No. 1, 2022
DOI: 10.36108/ijss/2202.02.0130

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skill Gaps and Graduate Unemployment in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Ifeanyi P. Onyeonoru 1 and Luqman Azeez 1

1Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria


The increasing unemployment rate among graduates of tertiary institutions has attracted a lot of research interests, which were focused on understanding the causes and impact on national development. This study was conducted to identify ICT skills gap and its contribution to the high rate of unemployment. The study location was Ibadan metropolis. The study adopted a triangulation research design involving a survey (structured questionnaire) and key informant interview. The study was carried out using a sample of 283 graduates selected across 5 local governments in Ibadan metropolitan area. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequency distributions, percentages, and chi-square while qualitative data were content analyzed. The study found that the majority of the respondents (graduates) assessed themselves as ‘proficient’ in the use of social media, email, ad other web-based facilities (96.5%) and Microsoft Word (96.8%). Beyond these common usages, ICT skills declined drastically as follows: computer programming/coding (49.1%), graphic design (56.9%), and application design (42.7%). The prevalent ICT skills level among graduates does not match recruiters’ requirements to land a lucrative job. The study also found a significant relationship between possessing advanced ICT skills and well-paid jobs through a Chi-square test. The study recommended that education and industry stakeholders, government agencies, and the media should increase awareness of the acquisition of ICT skills by graduates while tertiary institutions should review their curricula to embrace critical ICT skills for undergraduates. This is important to reposition Nigerian graduates for employability in the fourth industrial revolution labour market that is digital skill oriented.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills, skills gap, graduate unemployment


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