Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences
Volume 4, No. 1, 2006
Pages 33-45
DOI: 10.36108/ijss/6002.40.0130
Managing Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Ghana’s Volta Basin
Steve Tonah
Department of Sociology, University of Ghana, Accra
Farmer-herder conflicts have become rather widespread throughout West Africa and constitute a threat to peace and stability in many countries. This paper examines the management of farmer-herder conflicts in the Volta basin of Ghana. Using information gathered from five communities through the use of participant observation, interviews and focus group discussions, the paper describes the increasing migration of farmers, herders, fishermen and traders into the Volta basin area. The increasing population has accentuated conflicts between farmers and herders as the two groups compete for the use of the resources of the area. The paper also examines in detail the role that the Livestock Farmers Association and other institutions play in mitigating and managing farmer-herder conflicts in the Volta basin.
Keyword: Conflict, Volta basin, herdsmen, farmers and Livestock Farmers Association.