Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences
Volume 8, No. 2, 2010
Pages 112-125

DOI: 10.36108/ijss/0102.80.0210

Youth Restiveness and Entrepreneurial Orientations in Ijora-Badia, Lagos, Nigeria: A Development Approach

Olayinka Akanle and Olukunle Babafemi Oladosu

Department of Sociology, Faculty ojthe Social Sciences, University oj Ibadan, Nigeria


Conflict and restiveness have become so endemic in Nigeria to the extent that Nigeria is commonly known at home and internationally as a crisis ridden nation. To demonstrate this, the federal government o(Nigeria has earmarked at least one-third of its national budget for the year 20l2for security and conflict management. lf the real dynamics and trajectories of the Nigerian conflict are not understood, the budget provision and other resources will be useless ultimately. Unfortunately, 11I0stof the drivers and armies of the conflicts are youths. It is against this background that this article explored the subject of youth restiveness and the entrepreneurial options in the country. The article was empirically based 011data collected through questionnaires, IDIs and FGDs. Important findings were made and useful conclusions reached in this article.
Keywords: Youth Restiveness, Entrepreneurial Orientations, Ijora Badia, Lagos, Nigeria behaviour


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