Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences
Volume 8, No. 2, 2010
Pages 164-177

DOI: 10.36108/ijss/0102.80.0250

‘True’ Federalism in Nigeria: A Political Discourse

Egwim, Ambrose Ihekwoaba 

Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State Nigeria


The call for certain changes and reforms that would allow the federating units to have full authority and autonomy, structure and design a system of local council administration, have more revenue, insure equitable representation in the federal appointments, and establish separate police force, which means re-allocation of powers and functions has brought into focus argument for the strengthening of Nigerian federalism by strengthening the states, what has been termed “true federalism”. This paper argue using the process view of federalism that conditions, factors or forces which are conducive to federal stability, or rather to the success fit! operation of federal polity is peculiar to a particular environment. Thus, there are no clearly definable dimensions of what makes a ‘true federalism’. Federalism is rather a process, undergoing continuous modifications to fit the peculiarities of the environment in which it is being practiced. Therefore we suggest that a radical redistribution of power and resources is required to stabilize Nigerian federal system. In fashioning the acceptable form of power sharing, the interest of the citizen must be of utmost concern.
Keywords: True federalism, federalism, restructuring, power re-distribution, resource Control


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